I am thankful for friends. Many people come and go in life. I’m even thankful for the one who had a temporary stay in my life – for whatever reason. Everyone comes into your life for a reason. Some to teach a lesson, others to significantly impact your life, others because they were just a part of the grander scheme of how life unfolds. Every decision you make in life shapes and defines you. Even the girl at the checkout at Target impacts your life in some way. Think of it this way: that girl could be the most pleasant associate you encountered at this particular Target. Chances are you’ll remember her smile and courtesy and it might influence your decision to continue shopping or even increase your shopping visits at that particular Target….simply because she was helpful and nice. Due to increasing your shopping visits to this store, you are apt to perhaps purchase things there you would never have bought there, like groceries, for example. Since you decided to purchase more groceries at this store, you might make a decision to shop in the surrounding stores in the vicinity. Moral of the story: because of the smile and pleasantness of this associate, some of your shopping habits were molded. You just never know who will have a lasting impact on your life, so make sure you’re kind and courteous to others.
I am VERY thankful for good friends who are truly unique and true to the meaning of friendship. These are the ones who are there for you in times of trouble (I can certainly remember a perfect example of this). Sometimes, it’s unfortunate, but it is during your times of trouble that you see people’s true colors. This example has stuck with me for many years and will probably be with me all my life. I still thank my friend to this day for that. One day I thanked her and we both ended up misty-eyed (ok, we were crying) because she couldn’t believe I remembered what she did for me. She is my truest and dearest friend, my sister.
It’s hard to trust so willingly. By nature I am a very trusting person, but as life and its experiences roll on, I am becoming more and more skeptical. I know it sounds negative, but experience has taught me the harsh lesson of being cautious when it comes to people in general. Those who may seem like they’re interested in your well-being may very well be the same people who turn and walk (or run) right out of your life.
So I know it all sounds negative, but make sure you choose your “band of brothers (or sisters)” wisely and carefully. Unfortunately, you also have to leave some of it to chance and fate because you can never really fully know a person’s true colors until it’s put to the test.
If you are fortunate enough to find a treasure of true friendship, celebrate it! Go on an adventure, travel, do something fun! Life is too short not to celebrate one of the best relationships we, as humans, can experience! I’ve even want to go on a girlfriends’ getaway or even have a girls’ day at the spa – there’s so many things you can do!
Some people’s friends are their family and for some, these people are all they have left in the world. Some friends are even better than some family members! (Yes I said it.)
So thank you for my friends – the ones who can put up with my quirks and obsessions. Those who cry with me when I need it. Those who laugh with me when I’m being dorky. Those who show they’re there when I’m most vulnerable. These are people and moments that can’t have a price placed on them – they’re priceless.
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