Today is a day of reflection…the reflection should be on our independence. We truly live in a country whereby our freedoms and rights have been afforded to us from those that fought for those rights. So in essence, it’s a day of gratitude as well. Why should we only thank or remember them on Memorial Day? Thanking the people who sacrifice their lives should be an everyday occurrence, but it doesn’t hurt to give an extra thanks or a thought on our Independence Day. Remembering them on this day makes us think all the way back to our forefathers and those who fought in the historical wars way back when. The independence we have today came at a price and we should never forget how truly blessed and lucky we are to have something that other countries only DREAM about having.
The Macy’s Fireworks display is one of the most popular ways to celebrate America’s independence. Fireworks seem to be synonymous with this day. I went to the fireworks a while ago and what an experience! Something about those fireworks makes you feel truly patriotic – whether it’s the crowds donning all their gear or the display itself or some of the music that could be heard in the surrounding areas. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I truly feel blessed and fortunate to be in such a great country. BBQs, family gatherings, friends convening to share the festivities of the day – it’s a great day to celebrate as one unit.
Today looked a bit ominous in terms of weather, but no matter what, the celebration goes on!
Here’s a You Tube video of my all-time favorite patriotic song:
Thank you to all those who fought and fight for our freedoms and rights today. Enjoy your time with friends and family, and most importantly, stay safe.
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