It’s the 4th of July! And, it’s time to celebrate. I know it’s customary to take advantage of the long weekend to have a family reunion, go a parade, see a baseball game, decorate in red, white and blue, host or attend a barbecue and watch fireworks with patriotic music playing in the background. But, before you start celebrating, I want you to think about the significant meaning behind Independence Day……
You’re about to get a history lesson here. You see, the 13 colonies (America) were tired of the British ruling and domination. They wanted the freedom to make their own decisions and govern themselves. After years of fighting, the day finally came the Declaration of Independence was adopted by Continental Congress in 1776. The Declaration said, “these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states.” From that point on, a new nation was born.
You have to sit back and think about how fortune and blessed we are to live in the land of the free. Believe it or not, freedom and liberty is not to be taken for granted. So many people live in countries where they are punished and persecuted for speaking up and exercising their rights. We don’t have to deal with overpowering dictatorship. It’s a good thing to know we can speak freely and take action to change things for the better. And, you should be thankful for that too.
For the 4th of July, I have a new adventure on the horizon. I’m excited to say I’m going to Macy’s 4th of July fireworks show in NYC. It’s my 1st time going and I wanted to give you a taste of what I’ll be seeing…..
I can’t wait to see it. And, I’m going to tell you about it. It should be a great. So, let me know your 4th of July plans. What do you have on the agenda? I’ll love to hear about it. Have safe and happy 4th of July.
P. S. Do you know the NYC public library display the orginial Declaration of Independence? Which happens to be 1 of 2 that still exist.
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