Most of you already know we’ve been to a few travel expos. They are fun, exciting and you should know how to be travel expo savvy. Recently, I came across something different in the “travel expos and shows” arena……
The New York Travel Festival, created by RW Social, re-invented the wheel of travel expos and shows by going beyond flyers, brochures, booths and the “let’s make a deal” routine. You see, we tend to think of travel as getting away and escaping the everyday mundane life.
For others, traveling is more than just laying on a beach in paradise. These travelers get involved in local travel, ecotourism, geotourism, responsible and sustainable travel and community-based/help the poor travel (i.e. my bible study group is contemplating about going to Haiti with the Pastor next year). Anyhow, the New York Travel Festival incorporated a connection between the traveler and the place travelers’ visit. It focused on the value of travel and the experience.
With that said, New York Travel Festival was set up for the tech-savvy and immersive traveler. It featured live panel discussions and workshops from top experts in the traveling field. And to top it all off, Travel 2.0, the biggest travel meet ups in NY, was introduced to discuss the latest trends in travel arena.
We all know traveling changes people and how they view the world. NYTF aimed to inspired people to see traveling as a unique experience that’ll impact themselves and others in a positive way.
So, tell me your thoughts! I will love to hear from you. Share some of your travel experience with me and let me know how traveling changed your life. Well, that’s it for now. Until next time, keep in touch.
[…] were so many other things I learned. For that reason, that’s why I’m excited to go to NY Travel Fest. It’s not too late to get your tickets. See ya […]